Good morning, Missy!
Janet, it’s great to be on your blog today!
JD: Why do you write?
MT: Why do I write? Well, in the beginning, I guess I did it because I thought it would be fun to try. So I waited until I got my first computer and jumped right in. Then the more serious I became about it (as I started to write for publication), I found that writing was harder work than I ever imagined. The rejections were difficult, too. But the more I wrote and learned and re-wrote, the more I grew to love what I was doing—even though it can truly be hard work! It’s very rewarding, especially once you make that first sale and get your first reader letters. Nothing compares to those wonderful reader letters!
JD: Aren't Steeple Hill readers the best? If you weren’t writing, what would you be doing with your free time?
MT: Probably still teaching. And I would also want to do something creative—maybe making jewelry like I used to do for fun. I would love to paint, too, but I didn’t get the artistic gene my dad gave to my sister. :)
JD: What are you working on right now?
MT: I’m working on a new proposal for Steeple Hill. It’s so exciting to be working on something new! And I just love this story idea. I wrote the gist of the idea in my “ideas” file in 2006. :)
JD: Tell us about His Forever Love, the book you have out right now.
MT: This was a story I loved so much! I just love the hero, Bill. Here’s the back cover copy:
In Magnolia, Georgia, local legend says that a couple who holds hands around the “forever” tree will have an unending love. Even so, Bill Wellington held Lindsay Jones’s hands around that tree years ago…and then left her behind. He chose the big city, and now he wants to bring his grandmother there. But to his amazement, he finds that Granny has a boyfriend—and a vibrant life. A life that includes Lindsay, Granny’s caregiver. Bill never thought he’d want to come home, yet Magnolia clearly has its charms. As does Lindsay, who makes him long for a second chance at forever love.
JD: What themes do you like to write about?
MT: I think I’m not alone in that I seem to have my own themes that keep popping up over and over. Maybe it’s based on life experiences. But whatever the reason, I find I tend to write stories about opposites attracting, about wanting to be loved for who we really are, and reunion stories. And it always seems like my stories have some sort of secret in them. But no, I don’t have any juicy secrets in real life! :)
JD: How has your view of romance changed over the years?
MT: Interesting question! If you’re talking about real-life romance (not in books), I guess I’d have to say I’m a little more realistic after nearly 23 years of marriage. Romance is hard work! LOL It takes effort, and yes, even planning. It doesn’t just seem to happen like it did when we were students and dating. Or like it does in any new relationship. Things like bills and jobs and children make it a little more difficult to keep the flame burning. But it’s something worth working for! :)
Great questions, Janet! Thanks so much for having me today.
Thanks for coming, Missy, and sharing a look at you and His Forever Love with us today.
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