"Romantic Times" gave Courting Miss Adelaide a 4 1/2 ****star review, the highest number they give!!! I'm thrilled and very grateful!!!
Whether our cup is overflowing, only half full or as bitter as the last dregs from the pot, faith will see us through every circumstance.
I agree with the rating! Great book and what a thrill to see your name at the top of each page!
I am so happy for you and the release of your debut novel!
That's awesome!!!!
Was just thinking about your book this morning in Walmart, wondering when it was due out.
Thanks Jessica! It should be on the shelves September 9th.
Hi Heather! Thanks for the plug for Courting Miss Adelaide! And for giving me a listening ear, happy cheers and bouquets to wipe away my tears.
Lousy poetry, but heartfelt thanks.
Love you, Mom
Congrats! I was thrilled for you when I saw this news on one of my loops. Just shows what a wonderful debut novel this is. My copy of CMA is due any day. Maybe today is that day. I'm so eager to read it.
Keli, hope you enjoy Courting Miss Adelaide!
I KNEW IT!! Couldn't be ANY less. You did a GREAT JOB on your book, Janet, and to think: two days till your book is on the shelf! I'm here to tell anyone out there that hasn't read it yet, "Snatch it up quick before they are gone, you won't be sorry."
Pam W
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