At the spot where we'd seen the eagle was a opposum. I didn't realize eagles ate dead creatures. This opposum wasn't playing dead.
We drove on past, then returned, hoping to get an even closer look. As we approached, the eagle veered and flew off. Then we spotted two large birds in the distant trees, easy to see from that distance. We didn't see any sign of a nest so I suspect they were out cruising and stopped for dinner.
I'd never seen an eagle up close before. It's a very impressive bird. A friend captured this eagle on film near his home in Florida.
Blessings, Janet
What a thrill! We frequently have hawks flying around the woods behind our house, and sometimes they alight on the back fence. We're always in awe!
We were in awe, Myra! Hawks would look small alongside the bald eagle. Thankfully, eagles are no longer on the endangered species list.
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