When I pulled into the drive this afternoon, I noticed two familiar boxes on the front porch. My author copies of The Substitute Bride had arrived! I couldn't wait to rip into the boxes. One of the most exciting moments for me is holding a new book in my hands. The Substitute Bride releases in February, but I know it won't be long before I'll get e-mails from book club readers who get the book early. My husband took a picture of the moment to share with you.
Life got hectic and I neglected to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. Hope the day was a great time of fellowship and sharing your blessings with family or friends. We had a lovely day. On Friday our daughters and I fought the crowds at the Mall while my poor husband battled stomach flu. Saturday I took our grandchildren on the annual trek to select a Christmas ornament. Unlike the older grandchildren, our youngest selected a non-moving, non-musical ornament. When he got it home and the other three were showing off the action and sounds of their choices to their parents, he kept asking, "Where's the button? Where's the button?"
With my d/h feeling well again, we're back to routine, whatever that is. And squeezing in time to decorate for Christmas at home. Hoping all is well with you.
Blessing, Janet
Congrats on your latest release! I can't wait to get my copy!
Merry Christmas!
xoxo~ Renee
Thanks Renee! It's actually a couple more months before The Substitute Bride hits the shelves, but it's fun to have it on my shelf.
Merry Christmas!
I know February is a long way off but I get my copy early right since I won it on Seekerville's 9-5 Workday contest...PLEASE don't make me wait like the rest of the readers *puppy dog eyes* :-P
Kidding! LOL! I'm so excited to get this but I can wait!
xoxo~ Renee
Sorry, Renee, I forgot for a minute there. Don't worry. I won't make you wait for the copy you won.
Hi Janet:
I think your new book will be available as an eBook on eHarlequin on January first. For those who can’t wait. Like me.
I read first about your books arriving on Tweeter. Thanks for the Tweet.
Hi Vince, I didn't realize eBooks are out over a month before print books. Thank you for your interest in my books!
Blessings, Janet
Janet -
Are preview copies available for bloggers? I am posting reviews on my blog:
I'd love to review your new one!
Blessings & Merry Christmas -
I'll be in touch, Andrea!
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