Wednesday, September 26, 2007

ACFW photos

Conference buddies:

Front row: Julie Lessman, Carolyn Slaughter

Back row: Myra Johnson, Mary Connealy, Janet Dean, Debby Giusti, Darlene Buchholz

Mortimer Literary Agency:

Cindy Hickey, Dineen Miller, Kelly Mortimer, Robin Miller, Pam Hillman, Janet Dean


susie said...

Hi Janet,

Just checking out your blog and what you are up to. I'm glad you were able to go to the conference. I'm so proud of you and the progress you've made over the past year. I do miss our times together discussing writing. I miss writing. But, that is life right now. I am writing on my blog on occassion.

Yours looks great, keep up the good work with this and your book.
Sue Maley

Janet Dean said...

I love talking writing, Sue, and miss our conversations. I'll check out your blog. Glad you're still finding time to post.

God bless,